We are headed to Germany!

After a roller coaster of a month, we are so grateful and excited to announce that we will be headed to Augsburg, Germany as we continue to pursue life and ministry in Austria! I wish we could tell you about all the specific things that have happened in this past 2 months (even before the visa denial) that God used to gently nudge our attention towards Germany.  Augsburg is located a few hours west of Vienna and currently there is a couple serving there with TEAM (our sending agency). When they heard of our visa set back, they very quickly stepped up to the plate to help our family out. They have been working so hard to help us find accommodations and figure out the legalities of getting a residence permit for Germany.

Although our location will change, our first season will look very similar to what it would have been in Austria. We will attend language school, adjust to culture (this region’s culture is similar to Austria’s) and intern as well.

We will be leaving the US on April 11th (less than 2 weeks)! We are really pumped about our new adventure. It is crazy here, but in an awesome way!


3 Replies to “We are headed to Germany!”

  1. All I am saying is if I don’t get to see you I am going to be very unhappy. I am so excited for you to be here! I think u are 4 hours away?….

  2. Happy traveling, Chadwick Family!!! We’re praying for your trip & that you adjust quickly & well to Germany! Please keep us posted on life as you & the kids get settled. Hooray!

  3. I am Allison Russell’s sister in law and have been following your blog for a while now. I just read this post and realized that you may be still traveling today, on the 12 of April! So I will be praying for traveling mercies for all of you! 🙂 Can’t wait for an update!

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